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Earth Day: Leed Certified Homes

As conservation and environmental awareness become more integral themes to the ways in which we live our lives, Hilton & Hyland thought Earth Day would be an appropriate time to highlight LEED Certification and its numerous benefits.

LEED, or Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, has become the most widely used third-party verification for green buildings, and nearly 1.85 million square feet of building space is being certified every day.

So how can your home become LEED Certified?

Numerous factors go into a home being eligible for LEED Certification.

The home’s location, water efficiency, atmospheric impact, and many other factors are taken into account on the LEED scorecard. In the eight categories, a home can receive a maximum of 110 points. A home can earn four different distinctions: certified (40-49 points), silver (50-59 points), gold (60-79 points) or platinum (80-110 points).

In our continued commitment to green initiatives, Hilton & Hyland is proud to announce that our new main offices, which are due to open later this year, is being designed to be as energy efficient as possible. The new office space will be a single-story open concept room, with the most energy efficient lights and central air system available.

This new office space, combined with the firm’s hosting of an annual e-waste drive, represent our company’s pledge to make our offices as environmentally friendly as possible.

To learn more about the specifics of LEED Certification, click here.

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